
This disclaimer is prepared by Stelvio Capital Partners for informational purposes only.
The information contained on the site is presented solely for descriptive purposes of its business and is not intended to constitute, nor does it in any way constitute, an appeal to the public for savings, an offer to buy or sell financial instruments, or a promotional message or solicitation to engage in investment transactions. 
The information presented on the site and its distinguishing features, such as the investment focus and the indication of portfolio companies and its partners, are representative examples of Stelvio Capital Partners' activity that clarify and characterize its approach in dealing with portfolio companies. 
The aforementioned information is therefore not intended to, nor does it constitute in any way, investment advice and should not be construed as advice or any form of recommendation to carry out investment transactions, nor is it intended to promote or place specific financial instruments or, otherwise, to promote in any way the raising of capital for small and medium-sized companies.
The information on the site is subject to changes and updates, without notice. It may not be reproduced (in whole or in part), nor copied, nor disclosed, distributed or delivered or transmitted, directly or indirectly, to any other person. 
Anyone who makes use of the information for purposes other than the purely informational purposes for which it is intended assumes full responsibility for it.